
Friday 11 December 2015


5.0       CONCLUSION
In conclusion, all feature used in this entrepreneurship have relevance between equally other as guide to connect entrepreneurial figure used in a business perspective carried out.  From feature used visible a business start from the feature usage.  This case show the feature important in doing a business to become more developed and well developed.
Apart from that, entrepreneur figure used is also figure that is famous and succeed like Datuk Sri Lee Thiam Wah,Richard Bonson, Fernandez Tores, Jimmy Choo, Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew, Henry Ford, Tomas Edison and Henry Ford.   All makings used based on business that they do.  They made a guide in implementing a business. Every this figure have many contributions given in entrepreneur feature that used by in business. Visible the business can be fared better if the figure having had considerable experience and have the commitment that is high and distinctive in conducting a business.
It is clear that, this entrepreneur feature help anyone that would like to conduct business including figure used.  Because if do not have this feature in conducting a business so the business cannot run smoothly.  Most figure use this feature as way for them increase commitment they before succeeding in business.  Therefore, many contributions observably from this figure which is related to feature used.

6.0       REFERENCE

1.    Laila Hasnim Mohd Johari.(2015). Usahawan Berjaya – Datuk Loh Boon Siew.
         Retrieved 9 Oktober 2015, from
2.    The Article, “The psychology of Entrepreneurs”, Robert. H Brockhaus and
        Pamela S. Horwitz, 263-265, 1989.

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